Friday, May 15, 2015

May 14th- A golfing pretzel?

May 14th, 2015 Year 4 Day 14

Today at the Philly Pretzel Factory, Zach was not there when I got there this morning.  He was in the back, so I had to explain myself when my punch card had been punched prematurely!  It was no biggie.  The two ladies then proceeded to tell me about how interesting the promotion has been and how non-regulars seem to be the ones with the cards and that it would have been nice for some of the people that visit in the afternoon to have received one.  They knew I was always there, but just thought it was funny that all of a sudden the promotion was big and people they did not usually see were the ones taking advantage of it.  Oh well.  I was glad I was doing some good with it. 

Today's recipient is Scott Glossner, teacher and more importantly, golf coach of the Seneca High School golf team.  He has held the post for over 10 years and since I have been coaching only ten years, has had a pretty dominant run over my PVI Eagles for those ten years.  When I started out as coach, Scott had just enjoyed his most successful season that culminated with a Group 3 State Championship.  In our preseason meeting, it was announced that both Seneca and Bishop Eustace had won State titles the year before and were being recognized.  Much to my chagrin, I looked down at my schedule and noticed that both schools were in my division and would have to be played twice every year.  Ugh.  Those first years were not kind to us, but the last few have been a little better, at least vs Seneca.  Trust me when I say I am not bragging.  In my first seven years as coach, we only beat them once.  ONE out of 14!

Scott hard at work, letting the computer tabulate the scores.
Anyway, Scott does a whole bunch to promote the game that he loves. He is pictured here, running the scores for the Olympic Conference Championships, which determines the leagues all-stars.  He also runs the Burlington County Open, open to all Burlington County Schools, as well as running the South/Central Group 2 State Sectional Tournament.  I also just found out that he volunteers his time in the summer to chaperone the Little Mill Junior golf team, which competes in matches against other private country clubs in the area.

I gave Scott the FREE PRETZEL this morning amongst the chaos of a tournament trying to start and before I could even tell him why or get a picture, I was out on the course marshaling my group.  I tried to text him and tell him not to eat it, but he told me "Too late."  The next time I was able to see him, I told him the reason for the free treat and he said thank you and that he loved that the pretzel had a lot of salt.  He likes salt. He gave me a nice man hug and said he appreciated the gesture.

The slightly interesting thing about today's recipient is that his team, Seneca, is the only thing standing in the way of my team, PVI, from winning a second straight division title.  He knows that we need to beat them twice next week so share the title with Bishop Eustace.   It will be a tall task for us, considering Seneca plays on a tough course in Little Mill CC and you never know what can happen there.  Selfishly, I just hope our recent luck continues.

Scott, like many of the golf coaches are golf lifers and have been enjoying the game forever.  He has had plenty of success in college and even afterwards, winning some club championships in the area.  He loves the game, is as intense as anyone I know and it was nice to see a big smile on his face when he told me he was happy to get the FREE PRETZEL. Lets go PVI!

Happy birthdays go out to Delran High Class of 1996 Grad Jen Jack and Class of 1997 grad and former Delran Bears soccer teammate Todd Leatherman.  Hope you guys had a nice birthday!

Until tomorrow....

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