Tuesday, May 26, 2015

May 25th - Memorial Day and Virtual Pretzels

 May 25th, 2015 Year 4 Day 25

On Memorial Day it has become a tradition that we attend the Riverside Memorial Day Parade, like I used to do as I kid.  I talk with the boys about how today is a day that we honor those who fought in wars for our country.  They like to call them army men and so instead of confusing them I go with it and say  "Yeah."  They mostly remember it as the parade where they get lots of candy.  Seriously there is a lot.  Every float, fire truck, motorcycle and person walking by drops it down into the awaiting arms of little ones.  Here are some of the pictures from the day:
Two candy hungry boys awaiting the parade.
There are always Army vehicles on Memorial Day
Delran Golden Regiment Marching Band in full outfits
Delran Fire Company always ends they parade.
After the parade we hung at a park in Moorestown before heading home to chill out for the remainder of the day.  I got the pretzel later in the day, we watched half of Revenge of the Sith as a family and after a slight tummy ache, I covered the FREE PRETZEL in shredded cheese, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and had a nice before bedtime snack.

Virtual Pretzels:  I wanted to take a minute and recognize some friends from Massachusetts.
I know she is from Texas, but To Mary Madden, BC alum, but more importantly, fellow ACE 7 grad, who has told me on numerous occasions that she has loved reading the blog and that he gave her something to read in the middle of the night when she was up with her kids.  I think still keeps up with it.  Hope you are still enjoying the reading.

To Katie's Aunt Nancy Eagen, living up in Belmont, Massachusetts. She is a frequent Facebook "liker."  I love the support that she has given me and someday we will get her down here in May to present her with a pretzel.  Thanks for reading!

Until tomorrow...

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