Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12th- A Storybook Land Road Trip

May 12th, 2015 Year 4 Day 12

After the events of yesterday, I was zonked.  Pooped.  Worn out.  I did not want to think about anything other than how Tabitha was doing.  Luckily, the FREE PRETZEL would be taking a road trip today to Storybook Land!  I relinquished the power of the card to Katie again so that she could get the pretzel and take it on the boys field trip to Storybook Land.
Description StorybookLand.jpg
The boys seemed to have a marvelous time and Katie did too until she decided to ride the Turtle Twirl and almost lost her lunch!  Damn Turtles!  The day went pretty smooth and the boys even conned a dad into riding the Hickory Dickory Dock ride 4 times in a row!  Must have been a good ride.
They had a great time and I would like to thank all the parents and teachers involved with the trip, but not the bus driver, because she was late getting there.

Here is their day in pictures:

Having fun during lunch
Mother Goose looks down upon the pretzel

Peter Pumpkin Pretzel?
They had to have duped someone to be allowed to play this game?
I am happy to report that Tabitha is doing well and shows no ill affects. I still have not looked at the wound since she has been stitched up, but it seems Tibby does a good job of rotating princess band-aids.  The latest one, as she fell asleep this evening, was appropriately Sleeping Beauty.  I am happy that she is in such good spirits

It was a long day that ended with YoGo.  Yay for them!
Tomorrow is a new day filled with work and golf and teeball and FREE PRETZELS.  What a great world we live in.

Virtual Pretzel birthday shout out to Anne Jaeger.  Proud Breen-Phillips Hall resident in my time at ND and good friend.  Hope it was a good day Anne!

As I am typing the news is still talking about the train crash in Philly.  Praying for all involved hope they are all okay.

It's going to get cooler for the next couple of days. We can all let out a collective sigh. Ahhhh

Until tomorrow...

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