Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 18th- Doing a bit of everything

May 18th, 2015 Year 4 Day 18
Today's recipient is Cathy Reynolds, secretary at Johnson School and the lady that does it all. As I drove to school today I knew that Cathy was going to be the recipient and I thought about what a big help she has been to not only me, but probably to most teachers at Johnson this year.  Among her infinite jobs are signing students in and out, making the morning announcements each day (full of Math Fact families, birthday announcements and Accelerated Reader Awards), door monitor and just about anything you could think of to help support the staff, including Staff morale.  She has planned fun lunches and breakfasts for the staff and although it's my first year, I think it has brought our staff together.  She may not always be smiling, would you be with all of those jobs, but she is the down to earth kind of person that deals with any issue head on, in search of common sense in this world. 

She did have a giant smile on her face when I presented her with the FREE PRETZEL and told her what it was all about.  She said she loved Philly pretzels and she saved it for lunch.  It made me happy to see her smile so big.  The happy train continues.  She declined the photo, but that's part of the deal.  You can decline the photo, you just can't decline the FREE PRETZEL (no one has yet).  Thanks for making my first year transition a pretty seamless one. 
Official Pretzel Mail
A week or so ago I was perusing the Philly Pretzel Factory website and I noticed a section where it asked anyone to share their pretzel stories.  I decided to tell them about what I was doing and share with them The Daily Twist.  I was not doing it for notoriety, just so they saw that I was having some fun with my journey.  They wrote back letting me know that they thought what I was doing was pretty cool and that they wanted to be updated.  They asked for my address saying they might send some gift certificates.  I was happy to get this in the mail on Monday:

 I need to put this to good use.
Hopefully I will be able to use these to keep paying it forward.  I will make sure to update them again before we are all done. 

Big Virtual Pretzel Happy Birthday Shout Out to Malcolm McCluskey down in D.C. Hope you had a great birthday.

Until tomorrow...I mean today? 

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