Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 21st- How do you spell F-U-N?

May 21st, 2015 Year 4 Day 21
Today's recipient is a 4th grade teacher at Johnson School, Jen Cyr. (Pronounced SEAR)  Jen comes to us by way of the great state of Maine.  She has been here for a few years and has settled in nicely at Johnson.  When I got to know Jen for about half a second, I knew she was the definition of F-U-N.  She has this ability to just light up a room whenever she wants.  Whether its quoting movies, singing songs, or limping from working out the night before, she seems to do it with a smile on her face.  Maybe the smile is not always what a smile means, but that's just Jen.

In my very brief time at Johnson, Jen, as well as others, have made the year seem to fly by.  That's a good thing and an even greater thing for me because it shows how great work friends can be, when things are not always that great with work. It's work, its not supposed to be fun, right?  Well it's nice to have people around, like Jen, to make the days go quicker.

Maybe the best part about giving Jen the FREE PRETZEL is that it was her birthday today and I always love May birthdays, especially Gemini's.  Ha!  I left the FREE PRETZEL on Jen's desk and headed back to my room.

As I was preparing my room for the day, she opened the door and said "Am I getting the pretzel today?"
"Of course," I replied.  To which I think she gave a fist pump.  She decided to wait to eat it during lunch.  Only thing was, she did not know we had a surprise lunch waiting for her.  Fas, Meg, Sue and I were ready to enjoy a nice relaxing birthday lunch.  Fun was had by all as always and I am pretty sure she was not only surprised, but had also had a lot of FUN.
Group pretzel selfie
The selfie master, Fas, helped us take a nice group shot.  I am pretty sure she had a nice birthday, at least at school. I sure hope the pretzel attributed to her day in some way.  Thanks Jen

I returned home to a somewhat normal afternoon with the lovely Casale kids.  I had to empty the dishwasher so I decided to put my Iphone on dance music and have it shuffle.  This is what happened behind my back

What a day.

Another good friend also shared her birthday yesterday.  My former colleague at Stockton Elementary School, Desiree' Caldwell also cclebrated her birthday.  She always does up her birthday so well, so I am sure she had a good time, if not tonight then definitely this weekend.  Happy birthday Des. 

Until tomorrow...

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