Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 15th- Is it June yet?

May 15th, 2015 Year 4 Day 15
This morning I told Zach that he almost got me in trouble by not being there yesterday.  He said, "I know I was in the back."  At least he understood.  I noticed that they have more staff on Fridays.  Must be a bigger day for pretzels?  

Today was one of those Fridays in May that was traditionally the recovery day from the NJASK testing for all 5th grade teachers.  We were not recovering from the NJASK on this day because it is no longer given, but with the way this year has been going it sure felt like we were recovering from something.

A smiling Joanne, because she already ate her pretzel
Today's recipient was Joanne Rizzo.  She started in the district around the same time I did, after spending some time as a lawyer and raising here two kids.  She came into the district teaching 1st grade, but has spent a majority of her years as a 5th grade teacher at Bret Harte Elementary and of course here at Johnson.  Joanne has a fervor for teaching and loves what she does.  I knew we would bond when I found out she graduated from Notre Dame Law School and we were able to share some stories and memories.

When I presented her with the FREE PRETZEL and told here about what I was doing she said that its was great and said "You know I love these.  They are my favorite."  It made me very happy.  As lunch approached I had asked her if she had eaten yet she said, "Heck no.  I'm saving it for lunch!"  As the afternoon approached I realized I had not taken her picture and since by this time she DID eat the pretzel, we improvised and take a picture of the empty bag.

Joanne has been a great help, acclimating me to Johnson and filling me in with all the ins and outs of the school, when I first arrived.  She has been a perfect sounding board for me to ask questions about how things work at my new school and about what I needed to know along my first year journey at Johnson.

I wanted to thank her for just being there this year whenever I have needed it.  Let's hope the final month goes by as fast as the rest of the year has.  It has seemed to just fly by.  It's because we have been having so much fun. 

Special Happy birthday shout out to Caitlyn McHugh.  Caitlyn has been in North Carolina for the past year, but will be headed back home soon to start a new masters program at Rowan.  Best of Luck and Happy Birthday!

Until tomorrow...

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