Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 27th- Grade level appreciation

May 27th, 2015 Year 4 Day 27

 Today was a nice day to present the FREE PRETZEL to my grade level partner Arezou Montgomery.  I actually knew Arezou before I came to Johnson because I had the pleasure of teaching her oldest child, Aiden, two years ago at Sharp.  When I was placed at Johnson I had no idea that our paths would cross again so quickly.  Arezou was moved to 5th grade this year and has been learning as she goes.  Arezou and I gravitated towards each other mostly because she was able to show me the ropes at Johnson and I was able to show her the ropes of fifth grade.  We have been planning together as she is more proficient with Reading and Writing and I have been more comfortable with Math and Social Studies/Science.  We are a pretty good ying and yang. 

Even just today, she found paperwork that the two of us had been working on because she is so organized.  It was something we needed too and I did go back to my classroom and find mine as well, but of course hers was right there, easy peasy.  I guess I have always been the messy, not so organized one in any relationship. Ha
Always so organized and neat!
Arezou might be the most cheerful, optimistic person I know.  Sometimes I think, this person cannot be that cheerful all the time? But she really is just that upbeat.  She always greets everyone with a huge smile along with the most cheerful, "Hi, Hello, or How are you?"  It is nice to hear and see someone so excited to be alive. 

Arezou told me that she recently took up running within the last two years and when she puts her mind to it this woman seems like she can do anything.  She is regularly seeking out any and all kinds of running races in the area.  I even saw pictures of her doing the Phillies Bike Ride a few weeks back.  I love her passion and was rewarding her with a little treat today.  She said she was honored and would enjoy it later that morning.  She was so excited that she even posted her picture with the pretzel to Facebook that morning.  I had not even written anything yet!  

Thanks Arezou for being my Johnson guide this year and to many more years to come.

Until tomorrow...

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