Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5th- Illegal PARCCing

May 5th, 2015 Year 4 Day 5-

Casale Household Theater presents: Reading with Feeling...at 3 am

Scene: 3:30 am.  I am awoken by Katie telling me to go talk to the boys.

Me: "What?  What time is it?  What is going on?"
Katie: "The boys are awake.  You need to go tell them to go back to sleep!"
Me: "Ok" grumble, grumble as I shuffle upstairs. "Boys.  What are you doing up?  It's 3:30 in the morning.  You are supposed to be asleep!"
Patrick: "We are reading."
Me: "What?"  I continue to walk all the way upstairs to see both boys lying in Declan's bed.  Declan has the book open.  "What was all the screaming and yelling?"
Declan: "The sentences had exclamation points.  We need to read it with feeling."
Me: (in my head) Well I guess that makes sense.  I shuffle back down to bed. Patrick goes back to his bed.  2 minutes later we hear the footsteps and noise again.  Katie goes up and takes care of it.  I roll over and fall asleep.

End Scene
Two days in a row and extra pretzels are making their way into my bag.  I must be lucky.  Another gorgeous morning and the Philly Pretzel Factory in Collingswood seems to glisten in the morning sun, calling my name.  I am back into the groove again and looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

The past week and a half has been a hectic one for all testing coordinators of the PARCC test here in NJ.  At the elementary level in Cherry Hill, the 4th and 5th grade have completed testing as of today and the third grade will finish out the week.  At Johnson our testing coordinators happen to be our In-School Support Specialists (ISS) Mary Ellen Sigman and Faith (Ahern) Holmgren.  For their hard work and just because this process has been tedious and just whatever, I thought it would be great to provide them with a FREE PRETZEL this morning.

Faith and Mary Ellen don't look as tired as me for some reason
Faith and I have known each other for as long time.  We have both been in the Cherry Hill School District for over 10 years, but this is our first time working in the same building.  As soon as I walked into the office today she knew what was happening and became very excited.  She could not contain herself as she explained what this meant to Mary Ellen.  It made me feel good knowing that after 4 years, my friends really enjoy this still.  It has been nice having a familiar face while I have been adjusting to a new building and Faith has always been there to help.  We still talk about how I visited her in the hospital after her oldest daughter, Emma was born.  Ten years ago! Crazy.  Hopefully her and her family will join my golf course soon and we can hang even more. (wink, wink)

Mary Ellen is also new to Johnson School.  She was moved in the summer, just like me, from Thomas Paine, and although not initially thrilled about it,just like me, I think together we have found a nice home.  Mary Ellen was gracious enough to come into my classroom earlier in the year for some co-teaching of a few Language Arts lessons.  It was great fun to see a master at work.  She is so knowledgeable and I know I am going to learn a lot from her in the coming years.  She was so great this morning too.  As Faith was telling her how important she was for receiving the FREE PRETZEL, she commented that she had not had breakfast and that this would be a perfect snack.  Again, FREE PRETZELS work in mysterious ways.  I was very glad that I started their last day of 4th grade PARCC off the right way.  Thanks for all you do!

I hope you all enjoyed Cinco de Mayo.  I however found out the hard way that Chipotle cares more about sales then being appreciative.  Traditionally they have offered Buy One get One special for teachers during the first Tuesday of the Month of May.  I have even talked about it in the blog.  Except if it falls on Cinco de Mayo.  Check your priorities at the door Chipotle! (before you all reply saying that I am whining, I AM JUST KIDDING!)

Until Tomorrow

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