Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 3rd- A birthday treat

May 3rd, 2015 Year 4 Day 3

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day in Jersey.  I hope wherever you were, you were able to enjoy it.  I got the FREE PRETZEL early in the morning because it would be doing some traveling today.  The FREE PRETZEL, along with some friends, was headed to Brooklyn to spend the day with my nephew/god son Theodore.  I love being able to give a pretzel to those fortunate to have birthday in May, or close enough to May. 

Katie, the kids and Carolyn took an Odyssey to the big city, while I was able to stay home because of a previously scheduled golf match. They joined Theodore, his mommy Elizabeth and daddy Lado and Emily, Lucy and Graham amongst other friends of Theo's for a day in the park.  I was told lots of fun was had by all, even if a few of the kids got to close to the nearby lake and maybe fell in? 
Theo clutching his pretzel pretty fiercely
Definitely sorry I missed this part.  Those cannoli's are amazing.

Theo seemed pretty pleased with his FREE PRETZEL and was happy that all his cousins were able to share in his special day.  He definitely let everyone know who his mommy was, while snuggling with her and saying, "This is my mommy."  Too cute right?  Theodore is my 4th godchild and the only godson and I was a bit bummed not being there today.  He is this little bear of a guy and I am pleased that he enjoys playing hide and seek when he comes to visit.  I am glad he had a nice day.

As for my golf match, it wasn't bad.  I played just okay, but won my match all ways and earned 3 individual points and 2.5 team points for the Moorestown Field Club #1 team.  It brought my grand total in the 3 matches to 8 individual points and 8.5 team points earned for this year.  I'll take it. 

Hint about tomorrow: I sense something, a presence I've not felt since...

Until tomorrow... 

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