Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 22nd- The pretzel does yoga

May 22nd, 2015 Year 4 Day 22

It's Friday!!!  The pretzel had so much fun last night that it needed some time for itself.  Just kidding.  Today's recipient did have some fun Thursday night and as a result was a bit tired today.  Meg Curtis is the 4th and 5th grade inclusion teacher at Johnson.  Three of her students come to me during our Social Studies and Science time for the entire year.  Meg just recently finished her first full year in the district this past winter and is also working hard on her Masters degree doing field hours in her spare time.

Meg was one of the first people I met at Johnson, since I needed to learn a little about the students that would be coming to me.  Meg is one of the busiest people I know.  She goes to class after school, or does her field work and then also does the field work on given weekends.  Oh and she actually teaches 5 days a week too.  Two grade levels!  She is also kept busy with many, many weddings.  Fun times those twenties!  She is so laid back and easy to work with, its no wonder she does an amazing job with her class.  I wish I had that attitude sometimes.  Wait?  I'm not laid back?

Meg selflessly gives up her room for our lunch group almost every day and I have heard that she was not only in a singing group in college, but that she is not a bad beat boxer.  Yes you read that correctly.  Oh to be young and carefree.  I have not heard it live, just recordings, but it's pretty darn good.  Maybe one day we will get that teacher talent show going and she can really show off.

Meg was pleased with her headstand.  I hope the pretzel is okay?
Meg seemed excited to be presented with the FREE PRETZEL, but admitted to me that she had been working on perfecting her headstand in yoga and wanted to see if she could include the pretzel.  I said go for it.  Just send me the pic when you get it.  And TA-DA!

Meg said the FREE PRETZEL had been teasing her all morning until she was able to get the pic, but that it was quite delicious.  Glad she enjoyed it.

Virtual Happy Birthday! shout outs go out to two people who were already honored in the blog this year.  Melissa Tacey, Class of 2000 Notre Dame grad and Kathleen Roseboro, new friend and neighbor up the street both celebrated their birthdays on Friday.  I hope they were good ones!

Until tomorrow...

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