Monday, May 25, 2015

May 23rd- An early morning pretzel

May 23rd, 2015 Year 4 Day 23
 A chilly but sunny morning led me to the Pretzel Factory on Main Street in Moorestown on my way to the Moorestown Field Club for some early morning golf.  I was meeting the head varsity girls volleyball coach at Paul VI, Tim Linehan.  Its seemed a little crazy to me that I have been doing this for 4 years and he hasn't received a FREE PRETZEL yet, but our season takes place in the fall and although we communicate via email and text often, I guess we never have gotten together in May.  Today was a different story.

We were able to be the first group off as a twosome and enjoyed a nice and quick round.  Tim was a bit nervous on the first tee as about 20 guys were milling around waiting to tee off.  That's a lot of eyes on a guy who doesn't play all that much golf. He needed a mulligan, but we were off.  About 3 and a half hours later we were having a few beers on the patio with our lunch and the FREE PRETZEL that he saved so he could share with me.

Maybe the best backdrop for the pretzel yet.
The FREE PRETZEL was the least I could do for a guy who has taught me the ins and outs of volleyball for the past 5 years as we have built the Paul VI program up from nothing.  This past year the girls volleyball team made it to the Non-Public State Finals.  I should repeat that for you, but you can read it again.  In only 5 years, we reached the ultimate in our sport.  Pretty impressive.  What is also impressive is that without one of our best players from last year, we hung with mighty Immaculate Heart Academy, who has not lost a match to a New Jersey school in three years and who has won 8 consecutive Non-Public State Titles and 3 straight Tournament of Champions.  We were right there and definitely had me thinking upset at one point.  It's a shame sometimes that the refs cannot get out of their own way.

Tim is slightly changing my perception of Boston College grads.  I guess they can have some reputable skills. Just kidding.  What he has done with our program is nothing short of impressive and I am extremely proud to be part of it and will from time to time tell anyone who wants to know and then give all the credit to Tim. He knows his stuff, knows how to get the girls motivated and has been patient enough with me so that I actually look like I know what I am doing...sometimes.

It has been a really fun five years and hope that it continues into number six.  I would like to thank him for including me in this journey and if all I can ever repay him with is this FREE PRETZEL, then I guess you're welcome.  Now if he can just listen to me and my coaching on the golf course we may make him into a golfer one of these days.

The rest of my day consisted of the Collingswood MayFair festivities a trip to the library.  We played in the backyard and then had hamburger sliders for dinner. It was a nice Saturday, pre-birthday.
The boys found Spiderman outside the Collingswood Library
Lost of inflatable games for the kids during the MayFair.

Happy birthday to Jaynee Brosnan, special education teacher at Sharp school and one of the recipients of the FREE PRETZEL last year on this date.  Hope you had a great day.

(Memorial Day Birthday Edition, coming up)

Until tomorrow...

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