Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 8th- All the World's a Stage!

May 8th, 2015 Year 4 Day 8
Naked punch card representing FREE PRETZEL #8
It is apparently a year for firsts in the blog.  For the first time ever, I did not get a picture of the FREE PRETZEL with the card.  As I walked into the store today, even though Zach was in the back, he saw me coming, had the pretzel ready and because I was in a rush, I totally forgot the picture.  So that's why the initial picture looks a bit naked.  Whoops!

The stage is set, the lights are up, the orchestra is playing and today's FREE PRETZEL recipient is one of the stars of a local musical, in Somerset, NJ.  That's good enough for me to present Friday's FREE PRETZEL to Faisal Sheikh, 3rd grade teacher at Johnson School and more than a budding thespian!  Faisal, Fas for short, has been working on his musical for a few months now and Friday night was the big open for EdgesClicking on the title will take you to the official website.

Faisal and I have bonded, of course being male teachers in a female dominated elementary school, but because I am new to Johnson and needed friends.  Luckily he and others have been extremely welcoming.  It has been great getting to know him and hopefully next week I will be able to take in his show.  I do not know much about it other than what he has told me and the synopsis is on the website.  Never hurts to take in a good night or afternoon of theater.  He is extremely proud of his work and teaching 3rd graders all day and then having nights of rehearsal during the week and on weekends! Wow, can you say commitment?
When I presented him with the FREE PRETZEL, he seemed very thrilled.  Not only was Edges opening on Friday, but his 3rd graders were completing the PARCC testing that morning.  Later in the day he sent me a text saying "Damn this pretzel is good!"  Totally psyched that he liked it.  As the self proclaimed King of the Selfies, I let Fas take his own picture with the pretzel.  Of course he nailed it.  It was a great day for him and I hope the small joy of receiving a soft pretzel, knowing his friends were thinking of him, helped calm him for his big weekend.  Thanks for making my first year a Johnson a great one.

I have been seeing a lot of May birthdays on Facebook and such.  Happy birthday to all the May birthdays out there.  If you share a birthday month with me then we are bonded forever.  So I hope you enjoy the best birthday month!

Happy Birthday on Friday to Kristi Patrizzi, Sharp School teacher and Lisa (Bauer) Miller. Delran High School Grad 1997. 

On Thursday belated Happy Birthday and congrats on an engagement to Stacy Merkle as well as a happy birthday to another Delran High School grad Judy Kavitsky 1996

Virtual pretzels to all of you!

Until tomorrow...

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