Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 2- A friendly neighbor

May 2nd, 2015 Year 4 Day 2

According to my Blogger Dashboard, today is the 100th post.  That's pretty cool. Congrats to me! I think I will celebrate and have a soft pretzel.
Today's FREE PRETZEL is given to our friendly new neighbor Kristi Taylor.  We moved into our new house last April and about 4/5 months later Kristi moved in.  She is the kind of person you meet for the first time and instantly know she is good people.  She moved back to the area after being in the Navy for 6 years.  She did some basic training in Pensacola, one of our old stomping grounds, before being in Connecticut and then sailing on the USS Carter Hall, where she spent some time near Haiti and then also in the Middle East, cruising around looking for pirates to rough up. 
Tibby instantly has a new friend to hang with at teeball games.
When I first presented her with the FREE PRETZEL, she almost refused, until I explained what it was all about and she seemed pretty happy.  I know she shared some with Tibby and possibly her nephews, but that's what it's all about right?  

Kristi's sister Jodie, lives around the corner from us and as luck would have it, her sister has 4 boys ranging in age from 7 to 2.  Instant companions for our crew.  Better yet, the boys are coached by Kristi's brother-in-law Tim and her nephew Connor is on their team.  So we have been seeing even more of her at their games.  It's also great because she loves Tibby so much and she takes her to hang out with the other nephews during the games.

Kristi has spent the past 9 months rehabbing her house and it has been going well.  She has been working her tail off to get everything just the way she wants it.  I took a little tour last week and it's coming along nicely.  Our family is very lucky to have Kristi for our neighbor.  I think she would do anything for us if we needed it and I hope she knows we would do the same. 

Teeball madness
Cousins, Declan, Ryan and Patrick, taking in the races at Parx on Derby Day!
The rest of my day consisted of teeball, Parx racetrack for live races and betting on the Derby and the the big fight to end the night.  All in all it was a great day.  If only someone would have told me about the 10 horse, Firing Line and I would have had a nice pay day because I had the other three horses in the Top 4.  Darn it! Oh well there's always the Preakness in two weeks!

Happy birthday to maybe the first set of twins that I ever really knew, Diana and Linda Clauss.  They used to live right up the street from me on Westover Dr. in Delran.  Hope you enjoyed your day!

Sunday Funday!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. So fun spending this morning reading your posts. It is a small world- I went to high school with this dear girl and you are absolutely right she is a great person!
