Monday, May 18, 2015

May 17th- The pretzel gets religious

May 17th, 2015 Year 4 Day 17
Today's recipient of the FREE PRETZEL is Abigail Cislo and her family.  Abby made her first communion on Sunday and we were invited to the party.  I thought it would be a good idea to have the FREE PRETZEL get into religion so I chose her and her family to be the next blog entry on this special day. 
Abby and her dad, Tom ready to eat their pretzel
It was a very nice day to celebrate.  The Cislo's have become fast friends.  Tom was the boys soccer coach this past fall as Abby's sister Rosie was on their team.  As the season progressed we discovered that Tom, being from Riverside and I from Delran, that maybe we played each other.  Tom is two years younger and lo and behold we did actually play against each other.  Just before Thanksgiving I found the old scorebook that my high school coach had given me after my senior year.  I quickly took a gander at the Riverside game and look what I found:

Casale 1 goal, Riverside 0.  Just saying
It was pretty cool to notice Tom's name and he thought it was pretty cool too.  I made sure I brought it with me to show him.  Funny that his name was basically right across from mine too.  Tom was great for the boys.  The right amount of intensity and temperament for their age.  The Cislo family has been awesome to be able to hang out with and is just one of the reasons that our transition to Tatem school has been a nice one. 

Abby seemed extremely happy to receive the pretzel and she dug right in, wasting no time.  I was happy to get a picture of her in her communion dress before she changed to play with the rest of the kids.  Good thing too, because the rains came fast and furious.  But the kids still managed to enjoy.  Here is a sampling of their shenanigans:
Screaming, under an umbrella, at full volume.
Patrick, following Tom's lead, using a chair as protection from the rain, even though he was already soaked.
It was a great time for everyone, until we had to leave.  Abby was kind enough to share with her brother and sisters and our kids had a great time.  It's great to see all the kids play together and Tabitha adores Abby.  Abby should get a pretzel just for giving Tibby the time of day.  Ha!  We were glad we could share in the special day!

Happy birthday shout outs to Delran Class of 1996 alum Stephanie Pinkston and Notre Dame Class of 2000 and Notre Dame ACE 7 class of 2002 alum Nicole Shirilla.  Hope you both had a nice bday and wonderful weekend. 

Until tomorrow...

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