Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 29th- Field Day treat

May 29th, 2015 Year 4 Day 29


Friday was Field Day at Johnson School and I have now come to find out that Field Day is run a little different at every elementary school.  This years Field Day was "Around the World" The Seven Continents.  This was the first field day I was a part of that had such a well put together packet of information which described each event, how they should be run for K-2 students and variations that were more acceptable for 3rd-5th grade students.  The schedule and map of the area were also included.  When I received the packet, I was impressed and knew that this was going to be a well run event.

Parent volunteers were a huge help in organizing, instructing and administering the activities as well as providing water, Popsicles and anything else that teachers, staff and students needed.  They were great in assisting Gail with crowd control and clean up.  I know she was appreciative.
The recipients on this day were the two in charge of the event, PE teacher Gail Gersie and her Educational Assistant Ellen O'Donnell.  These two ladies were up at the crack of dawn, arriving at the school almost 2 hours before any students arrived, to set up the day.  When I arrived at 8:15, the entire school grounds were set up and ready to go.  The morning was filled with 6 stations for the students to compete in fun activities, while the afternoon was earmarked for each 5th grade class to take their best shot at the teachers in volleyball.

The day was filled with many activities
The entire school looked on, chanted and at times were stunned with the caliber of volleyball that the teachers displayed.  The first three 5th grade classes, played hard, but were no match for the skillful teachers.  The final class, my Room 11 crew gave us a scare, but we were able to prevail 15-13.  Whew!
Two deserving ladies
Gail and Ellen are a really great team.  I do not envy elementary school PE teachers because of the sheer volume of students that they deal with.  Most times the classes are doubled up which means they definitely have more than 40, sometimes more than 50 students during a given period.  Even with two of them it can never be easy.  They seems to do it with ease and they are to be commended for that. 

Field Day was hot and humid and sticky and these two ladies were happy to receive their FREE PRETZEL, no matter how sweaty and tired they were.  I was happy to snap a quick picture as they were actually about to prepare the court for the volleyball game.  They said it would be a great lunch time snack.

Thank you ladies for a great day and I am glad you enjoyed your snack.   

Just the weekend left

Until tomorrow...

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