Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 19th- I needed a break. Katie takes over for a day

 May 19th, 2015 Year 4 Day 19

I love being deputized to pick someone to get the Free Pretzel because it is such a nice feeling to pick someone who deserves a free pretzel for being wonderful.  I have a whole world full of people who deserve a pretzel from Tim’s Deputy (me), but the recipient today is someone extra special who has been a huge help and support to me this year.

Here is the official photo of the pretzel and the punch card.
Heather Kreismer is the CST at my school and she is a lovely person inside and out.  There are so many unsung heroes who work in schools and CST members definitely don’t get the recognition they deserve.  Heather’s job is so important.  She spends her days looking at kids and how they learn.  Then she works to find out what they need so that they can be successful at school.  Amazing!

She uses the library as a mini-office when she is in the building and I have seen first-hand how wonderful she can be.  People are always saying to her “I just need you for a moment” (when they really need her for more) and she is always happy, kind, and willing to help. 

This year I have been one of those “just a moment” people and relied on her expertise and kindness to help me navigate the challenges that P and D have had in kindergarten.  She has given me such compassion and support throughout this school year—I am truly grateful.  Kindergarten has been no joke for the boys and having her as a sounding board is worthy of a free pretzel and much more!

Heather was a very good sport when I finally gave her the pretzel today. 

Here she is biting into her pretzel!
Tim's part:

Happy birthday shout out to Class of 1997 Delran High school alum Maria Gentiletti.  She is in Belize enjoying some "me" time, without a care in the world.  I am pretty sure she is having an exceptional birthday.  Live it up!

I saw the new Avengers movie tonight.  If I could give Joss Whedon a pretzel I would, but I think he can buy his own.  He's created this world in which you just want to watch all of them unfold one after the other.  It makes it very hard to wait every year for a new one.  I guess that's how they make money? (sarcasm).

Back on track...for now

Until tomorrow...

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