Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May 6th- Put some ice on it!

May 6th, 2015 Year 4 Day 6-
Today was an interesting day weather wise.  What looked like a beautiful day on the forecast showed sun, then rain, then sun, then clouds, then sun, then more clouds and then windy and cool.  Weird.  I guess it was just my funny observation of the day.  No "extra" pretzel today.  I need to figure out when that one guy is working each time. 
 Today was National School Nurses day and it was my pleasure to be able to continue my tradition of honoring a school nurse on this day. Lee Anne Keesal is the school nurse at Johnson.  She has been so sweet and kind with my bunch this year, that it's a wonder she doesn't wonder what's up in my room.  My little ones have made many a trip to her office for twisted ankles, sprain wrists, bruises, band aids, cough drops, tissues.  You name it, one of my students has been to her for it.  It's a little insane.  

My kids made a poster for her that had nothing to do with my blog. 

When I met Lee Anne I felt like I had met her before and lo and behold I had.  She is the sister of one of the members of my golf club and the year the boys were born, we spent Mother's Day brunch at the club and I met her there.  Small world.  

Lee Anne's eyes lit up when she saw all my kids parade into her room with the wonderful and thoughtful card.  It's always nice to be recognized for a job well done and I have to say that this year she is earning her money with my class alone.  School nurses are counted on to do a lot for an elementary school and in some respects are the glue that can hold things together.  I hope Lee Anne enjoyed her mid morning snack.

A few things of note today:  The new rah-rah raisin girl scout cookies are pretty good.  Had them in my lunch for the first time.  Was impressed. 
Valleybrook Golf Club was in decent shape today.  I was impressed.  Not as shabby as I remembered it.
I am pretty tired tonight.

Until tomorrow....

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