Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4- Star Wars Day

May 4th, 2015 Year 4 Day 4

FREE PRETZEL #4 (for some reason he gave me two!)
I am well aware that not everyone is a Star Wars enthusiast, but it is definite something that my family will be connected to forever.  I fell in love with Star Wars as a kid and to this day remember getting the Ewok village for Christmas and it being one of my favorite toys.  I may not have had the most Star Wars "stuff" but we still seemed to have plenty.  It was the movies themselves that did it for me.  I could watch them all day, every day.  Yes even the prequels.  Although given a choice I would watch the original.
Morning screening of Star Wars Rebels with breakfast
I have been getting the kids ready for the "The Force Awakens" by enjoying the new animated series, "Star Wars Rebels" with them and intend on showing them "The Clone Wars" this summer. Today we even watched Star Wars Rebels to celebrate the day.  I also wore my Yoda T-shirt to school.  Pays to teach 5th grade sometimes.

Today's recipient had to wait a whole day, but I hope he enjoyed his FREE PRETZEL.  Mike Brunswick is one of the biggest Star Wars fans I know.  Sorry Garry Wall and Nicole Pennell (Odom).  He has way more Star Wars paraphernalia than I do and has definitely been to more Star Wars events.  When I texted him this morning asking if he would be home tonight, he replied yes and then unsolicited, said "May the 4th be with you." Love it

I first met Mike as he was a new member at the Moorestown Field Club.  Since our golf games were similar, we were both teachers and of course liked Star Wars, it was easy to become friends.  Kids, jobs and other such things have kept us from getting together recently, but there was once a time, (pre-kids for me) when we coached three glorious (maybe) seasons together as coaches of the Moorestown Friends Girls Varsity basketball team.  Mike is the head coach and I was an assistant. We had a good run with some pretty cool memories.  I do not miss the 8 am Saturday practices, but being in the gym with basketball involved was a pretty fun time.

I unfortunately could not connect with Mike until after my golf match, which of course ran long.  When I got to Mike's house the whole family was finishing dinner on their gorgeous back deck.  I told Mike all about what I have been doing and he was thrilled to get his pretzel.  Maybe not as thrilled as his daughter Madison, who he graciously shared it with.

Madison just couldn't wait
It was great to catch up with him and his family even for a few minutes and isn't that what this adventure can be all about? I'm glad he and Madison enjoyed the pretzel. 

After my golf match, I ran into Mrs. Cornell today.  She is the mother of my childhood friend Brian Cornell.  Cornell, if you are out there give me a shout soon.

Cinco de Mayo tomorrow.  Anyone for a Pretzel party?

Until tomorrow...

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