Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 1st- Early Morning Helper

May 1st, 2015 Year 4 Day 1

Day 1 of the new year is a kinda, sorta repeat, but not really.  In year 1, Day 12  May 12th-A farmers market treat, I presented the Lyalls with a pretzel when we saw them at the Farmers Market.  That one was mostly for my life long friend Nate Lyall.  Today it's specifically for another Lyall...I mean Merkle.

Dana (Merkle) Lyall is a super friend.  With our boys attending Tatem School this year, along with Dana and Nate's daughter Kayla, Dana has been a god send allowing us to drop the boys off on mornings when she is not working and take the kids to school.  Some weeks it is one day, but there are times when she is available to us two, three or even four times in one week.  Today was one of those days.  Katie and I would be totally screwed if Dana wasn't able to help us out since January.  

Dana sharing her special treat with Kayla, while my boys stand way to close to their TV.
Dana was pretty pleased to receive her treat.  She told me that she had given up soft pretzels for Lent, pretty big commitment there, and that she had not even had a pretzel since then.  That's 3 more weeks!  Dana always calls me Timmy, which after today I found funny for some reason.  She was excited that the FREE PRETZEL was an extremely salty and she was eager to share with Kayla and Brandon.

Our small inside joke is that since Dana has been gracious enough to host our boys on certain days of the week, we found something that he family likes and needs...Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets from Costco!  So every once in a while we drop them off.  Today was one of those days and I joked that it's funny that we pay her in chicken nuggets and now pretzels.  The point is that we could never actually repay her for her generosity.  She watches our boys, along with a few other kids, and takes them to school because Katie and I are not able.  It's great to have amazing friends that care for you like that.

I am glad Dana enjoyed the pretzel and I wish her and Nate the best of luck during the Broad Street Run on Sunday!

30 days left.  Get on board if you haven't already. 

Tomorrow is a pretty big sports day (NFL draft continues, WGC match play continues, Kentucky Derby and Mayweather-Pacquiao to close out the night)  Should be fun.  I hope all of you that tune in enjoy it.

No Mariota, No Problem.  Free Pretzels are coming your way...maybe

Until tomorrow.....

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